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How much are electric scooters?

How much are electric scooters?

Electric vehicles are becoming more and more popular as technology improves. Not only are they better for the environment; they're cheaper to run too. They don't need constantly filling up with expensive petrol, and can be plugged in anywhere there's a charger. Even though you still need to pay to recharge them, electricity is cheaper than petrol. You'll find other upkeep costs are lower too, as there's less to go wrong with an electric engine.

How much is the M488?

The M488 electric scooter isn't a road legal vehicle, but it's definitely a fun toy. It's similar in design to a manual scooter, except it goes 5 times faster than walking pace, and the battery will last for up to 18 miles. It's great for playing around on, and can be useful for teaching children and teenagers how to handle a vehicle.

The body is made from aerospace grade aluminium, and the handlebars fold down for easy carrying. It has anti-lock brakes on the front, and manual disc brakes on the rear. It doesn't have gears, but instead gradually builds to its maximum speed by turning the throttle. There's a battery indicator and a simple on/off switch. You can even download an app on your phone to show your riding habits and battery use.

The M488 electric scooter costs £399, and comes in both black and white. It's classed as a PLEV (personal light electronic vehicle) and so can't be used on public roads. This means you save money on things like road tax and insurance.

How much is the Go?

While we love all of our petrol scooters and motorbikes, we're a massive fan of the Go electric scooter. It has all the same functions as a petrol scooter, but runs on completely green energy! It has a maximum speed of 30mph, and the battery only takes a few hours to charge. A full battery charge will only cost you pennies, compared to the £5/6 worth of petrol a normal scooter takes.

A single charge has a massive range, although its maximum will depend on how efficiently you ride. Its lack of petrol engine makes it incredibly light, and it's really quiet too. There's no real upkeep to worry about, and no oil changes to perform. If you want a cheap, energy efficient vehicle for getting around town, you could do a lot worse than a Go.

The Go costs £799, which is excellent value for an electric vehicle. Plus, they're cheaper to insure than a petrol scooter, and exempt from road tax. You'll find yourself saving hundreds of pounds over its lifetime compared to a petrol scooter.

Electric vehicles are the future of transportation. They're cheaper to run, and cost less to keep on the road. Our electric scooters are perfect as a toy, or for getting around town. The Go is a great vehicle for young riders, and is a much cheaper alternative to a petrol scooter.