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How many mph can a scooter go?

How many mph can a scooter go?

If you wondering how many mph can a scooter go? This depends on many factors. Two of the most appealing things about scooters are the fact that you can start riding them earlier than you can a car, and that they require much less training to use. Understandably though, these benefits do come at a price, most significantly that they have much lower top speeds than cars. This is mainly due to safety, as the majority of scooter users are younger and less experienced on the road. Here is all you need to know about the top speed of scooters.

50cc scooter top speed

50cc is the smallest engine size you're likely to find on a public road, and so 50cc scooters are also likely to be the slowest vehicles on the road. The scooters we sell at Direct Bikes all have a top speed of 30mph, which might not seem like much, but is plenty if you're only using it for getting around town.

The majority of 50cc have restricted engines, which basically means that they have a higher top speed than 30mph, but there are restrictions put on the engine to limit this. This is mainly for safety reasons, and also falls in line with you needing less training to use them. Plus, seeing as most 50cc scooter users are new to the road, 30mph is usually plenty of speed if you're not used to it.

125cc scooter top speed

125cc scooters are the next major jump in terms of engine size, and you have to be at least 17 before you can ride one. This is usually on the understanding that by this point you'll have some experience on the road and can therefore deal with a more powerful vehicle. There aren't the same restrictions put on 125cc engines as there are on 50ccs.

The 125cc scooters and motorbikes we sell all have a top speed of 60mph. This means that, unlike 50cc scooters, it is possible for you to ride them on A-roads. 125cc scooters are therefore a good choice if you're planning on doing longer journeys and need greater freedom with which roads you can use. However, this big jump in top speed can seem a bit daunting at first, so make sure you have plenty of practice getting to grips with your scooter before you let it loose on a bigger road.

It's important to remember that different engine sizes have different top speeds, as this is one of the main things to consider when choosing the model that's right for you. All of our scooter and motorbike pages state the top speed in the specifications, so you have all the information you need to make a good decision. It's also worth considering what you'd be comfortable riding, and if you have little or no experience on the road it can help to start with a less powerful scooter and work your way up the ladder.